Basic Control

Note: Always check the maximum air supply you provide to the system. Every component has its own specifications and can withstand different maximum pressures.

Basic manual control

  1. Power the board by plugging in the power adapters. Be careful not to mix up the cords, as incorrect supply voltages will cause some components to burn out.
  2. Flip the switch to turn on the air pump.
  3. Try closing the manual flow valve. You should see the pressure reading on the regulator increase from 0 psi.
  4. Turn the potentiometer dial to control the regulator pressure. The reading on the regulator should change accordingly.
  5. Re-open the manual flow valve, and flip the switch(es) to open the solenoid valves, making sure that the corresponding relays are on as well. The behavior may be a little counter-intuitive since these solenoid valves are the "normally closed" model, which only open when they are powered. If you have the valves correctly open, you should be able to feel air coming out of the control board's output hose.
  6. Connect an actuator and turn the potentiometer dial to control how much pressure it receives. Try making it go through its entire range of motion.

Basic Arduino control

If you haven't done so already, set up your Arduino Uno microcontroller using the official setup guide: Windows / Mac

If you were able to get the guide's Blink example to work, you're ready to write and upload your own custom code to control the board hardware. Those already familiar with Arduino programming can use and customize this sample code for monitoring the sensors and controlling the valves. Otherwise, read the brief tutorial below about basic Arduino coding.

First, we define some variables to assign and help keep track of what the various pins are connected to. By using these variables, we don't have to update numbers throughout the code every time we change the wiring. The flow sensor and potentiometer output analog voltages, so we connect them to the analog input pins A0 and A3, as seen in the wiring diagram in the assembly instructions.

The valve (via the relays) and the pressure regulator are controlled by output signals from the Arduino. The analog pins are input only, so we need to use the digital pins. There are 14 numbered digital pins on the Arduino Uno. Pins 0 and 1 cannot be used because we are also using serial communications, so we use Pin 2 for the valve.

For the regulator, we need a continuous control signal, unlike the valve which only requires a binary on/off signal. The Arduino has 6 pins capable of pulse-width modulation (PWM), which are marked by a ~ next to the pin number. We use one of these pins, Pin 9, to control the regulator.

We also create the variables flowReading and potValue to store the values that the Arduino reads from the flow sensor and potentiometer.

int flowPin = A0;
int potPin = A1;
int regPin = 9;
int valvePin = 2;

float flowReading = 0;
float potValue = 0;

Next is the setup() function, which is required for all Arduino programs. The setup function will only run once after a sketch starts, following each powerup or reset of the Arduino. Here, we initialize serial communications at 9600 bits per second (baud) between the microcontroller and the computer. We also set the digital pins connected to the valve and regulator to behave as output pins.

void setup()


pinMode(valvePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(regPin, OUTPUT);


Next is the loop() function, which is also required for all Arduino programs. However, unlike setup(), this function repeats continuously, with the speed at which it repeats determined by the delay() function. This function essentially pauses the program for X milliseconds before continuing.  In line 15 below, we have delay(1000), so the loop will repeat every 1 second.

Most of the functionality of the program is contained in this loop. For example, we can open the valve using the code in line 4: by using the digitalWrite() function to set the digital pin that controls the valve (via the relays) to HIGH, we turn on the valve. If we want to turn off the valve instead, we would use digitalWrite(valvePin, LOW).

The code for controlling the regulator via the potentiometer is also inside this loop. First, we read the analog value from the potentiometer with analogRead(), then use analogWrite() to set the output pin for the regulator to the appropriate control value. Since analogRead() values go from 0 to 1023, while analogWrite() values go from 0 to 255, we need to divide the potentiometer reading (potValue) by 4 before using it to set the regulator control signal.

Finally, we can also read and display sensor values here. Again, we use analogRead() to get a value from the flow sensor analog input pin, then scale this raw value to a reading in SLPM units using the calibration formula provided by the sensor manufacturer (read the datasheet for more details). Once we have this value, we use Serial.print() to send this information to the computer, where it is displayed in the Serial Monitor.

void loop()

digitalWrite(valvePin, HIGH);

potValue = analogRead(potPin);
analogWrite(regPin, potValue/4);

flowReading = analogRead(flowPin);
flowReading = ((flowReading*0.0049)-1.25)/0.75;
Serial.print("\n Flow = " );
Serial.print(" SLPM " );



Turn on the control board and pump. Set the regulator so that you can feel air coming out of the board's output. In the Arduino Programming Platform, compile your code and upload it to the microcontroller. Open the Serial Monitor so you can view the flow sensor values. The values should update every second, since we set the loop delay to 1000ms. If you want more frequent updates, reduce the delay time and recompile+reupload the code. Try turning the manual flow valve and see the values change.

More Arduino control

Once you are comfortable with this code, you should be able to understand the sample code provided above, which gets readings from all the sensors and controls all 4 valves. You can add more complex functions and behaviors as well. For example, using digitalWrite(valvePin,!digitalRead(valvePin)) instead of digitalWrite(valvePin,HIGH) will toggle the valve state on each loop so that you can get alternating actuation. Basic feedback control can be achieved by utilizing conditional statements with the sensor values.

The examples and reference pages on the Arduino website are a good resource for discovering more things you can do with your code.

Control Board Sample Arduino Code (.txt)3 KB