
Soft Robot Gripper for Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy

This project is to create a gripper/soft robotic hand for people with disabilities to use. Some people are chronically impaired by diseases like arthritis and diabetes. Arthritis makes joints pain when used for basic functions. As a side effect of diabetes, patients have no sensation in their appendages like hands and feet. A gripper like this would help these two types of patients in dealing with their symptoms. 

The background section of this wiki will detail the research needed to make this product in its soft robotics aspect and the sensor aspect. For the soft robotics...

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Soft Robotic Hand

Our project will be to create a soft robotic arm and hand using some of the pneumatic components from Soft Robotics Toolkit. The hand will be part of a larger system mounted on a remote controlled vehicle. The goal is to have a fully functional robotic arm and hand capable of picking up and manipulating an object near the vehicle. The entire system will be controlled remotely, including an onboard air system capable of supplying the necessary air to utilize the pneumatic components.

 In the Background, we discuss the motivation behind the project. The world of robotics has been...

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Soft Robotics for Kids with LEGO Mindstorms

This project outlines how to build programmable Lego Mindstorms projects to use pneumatic components of the Soft Robotics Toolkit.  The goal was to replace portions of the Fluidic Control Board with an EV3 Programmable Brick so that it's easier for kids to work with.  In this first version, the focus is on the pneumatic elements.

The team that worked on this project is Sunset Spark.  They're a non-profit in Brooklyn that helps first generation immigrant families -- kids and adults -- make...

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Stretch sensors are a type of sensor designed to measure soft structures, including soft robots and the human body. StretchSense, a company from New Zealand, has developed commercially available stretch sensors that can measure either stretch, bend, shear, or pressure. These stretch sensors are essentially flexible capacitors. When the sensor deforms (due to stretching or squeezing) its capacitance value changes. The sensor sends data about its capacitance to a Bluetooth...

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Tactile Vision

Vision works well when we have an overview of the total system, but the way we search in digital media is through little steps, from link to link — a tactile experience as we feel the landscape. We can never see it as a whole because it’s not a continuous...

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The TacTip is a 3d-printed optical tactile sensor developed at Bristol Robotics Laboratory (Chorley et al, 2009). It aims to fulfil the need for a cheap, robust, versatile tactile sensor, mountable on industrial robot arms and aimed at eventual integration into robot hands for manipulation. The...

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Tunable segmented soft actuators

Many of the existing pneumatic soft actuators have a fixed response after fabrication. This means that once they are fabricated, the actuators always bend, twist or stretch in the same way upon inflation. In most cases, this is desirable because this way actuators can be designed specifically for a particular application. However, what if the application or environment in which the actuator is going to work is not yet known? In this case an actuator for which the response can be easily tuned would be very useful.

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