Attaching electronic components to the pegboard

Step 3: Attaching electronic components on board

Cut the pegboard to the recommended size 12x12 inches using a craft knife or similar. This may need to be cut before beginning the activity to reduce time to complete. Attach one of each of the spacers to all four corners of the pegboard.

Insert Spacers Insert spacers

Using an eye hook, divide the board into roughly two halves. On one side, the electronics and the motor will be placed and on the other side, there will be space to place the fingers in various configurations.


Using two of the M2 screws provided, fix the motor to the peg board so that the pulley is aligned with the eye nut. This will create a routing point for the string to make sure that it correctly routes to the pulley.


Gather the battery, motor, Arduino and breadboard together. Using your jumper cables, resistors and push buttons create the following circuit.


To upload the code that programs the microcontroller, connect your Arduino to a computer.  Open 'Master.ino' file in Arduino IDE. Upload 'Master.ino' to your board. 


When upload is complete the entire circuit can be disconnected from the computer and adhere to the pegboard as shown using double sided tape.
